Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Yes dere was this wonderful movie dat went by this very name..and i wud not hate to admit that this title is pure plagiarism...but for sure a movie review dis is not what it's about...its more i wud say about someone's life.It surely can b named thus...StrangerThanFiction..what the person never envisaged dat the person cud possibly become and what the person finally ended up bein'.And the change the person underwent was mind bogglin'.Right 4m bein' a bundle of nerves to d come-what-might-i-wud-like-to-at-least-like-to-face-it type.But at d same time somethin' else happened 2.D drive in the person..the person lost it along d way...the person now only wanted to flow wid d tide...but the person had it to even turn aginst d tide if dat was needed..but the person found little enthusiasm..why all of a sudden the person's world changed the person nvr knew..but the person desperately wanted 2 have the person's previous attitude to life d process the person started blving in things what were once fantasies..the person thought dat the person mite hv found the person's inspiration at last...but alas!!!to no avail it was.dejection set in...but den again the person dint have enough conviction to tread a path rarely traversed..the person continued to wait for something StrangerThanFiction to take place...shud something StrangerThanFiction is to occur this writer solemnly promises to b back wid d account.

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